Selle, B., A. Blume, A. Höllrigl-Rosta und T. Gräff (2024), Analysis and modelling of profiles to understand fractionation processes for contaminations with polychlorinated biphenyls observed in fish. Science of The Total Environment, 920, 170925.

Selle, B. (2024), An approach for finding causal relations in environmental system: with an application to understand drivers of a toxic algal bloom. Ecological Processes, 13, 8.

Niemann, A., F. von Schledorn, M. Dieterich, O. Hartmann, K. Stobernack, K. Kempf, C. Kinsinger, L. Meier, A. Pook, M. Seidel, B. Selle und F. Weber (2023), Umgang mit Totholz bei der Gewässerunterhaltung - Bericht aus der Arbeitsgruppe GB-2.20. KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 16(12), 804-808.

Selle, B., K.H. Knorr und G. Lischeid (2019), Mobilisation and transport of dissolved organic carbon and iron in peat catchments - insights from the Lehstenbach catchment in Germany using Generalised Additive Models. Hydrological Processes, 33(25), 3213-3225.

Musolff, A., B. Selle, O. Büttner, M. Opitz, K.H. Knorr, J.H. Fleckenstein, T. Reetsma und J. Tittel (2017), Does iron reduction control the release of dissolved organic carbon and phosphate at catchment scales? - Need for a joint research effort. Global Change Biology, 23(9), e5-e6.

Musolff, A., B. Selle, O. Büttner, M. Opitz und J. Tittel (2017), Unexpected release of phosphate and organic carbon to streams from forested catchments linked to declining nitrogen depositions. Global Change Biology, 23(5), 1891–1901.

Selle, B., Gräff, T., Salzmann, T., Oswald, S.E. Walther, M. und K. Miegel (2016), Untersuchung eines renaturierten Mooreinzugsgebiets an der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste. Teil II: Salzdynamik und Wasserhaushalt. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 60(4), 259–268.

Miegel, K., Graeff, T., Selle, B., Salzmann, T., Franck, C. und A. Bronstert (2016), Untersuchung eines renaturierten Niedermoores an der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste – Teil I: Systembeschreibung und hydrologische Grundcharakterisierung. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 60(4), 242–258.

Githui, F., Thayalakumaran, T. und B. Selle (2016), Estimating irrigation inputs for distributed hydrological modelling: a case study from an irrigated catchment in southeast Australia. Hydrological Processes, 30, 1824–1835.

Schwientek, M. und B. Selle (2016), Quantifying in-stream retention of nitrate at catchment scales using a practical mass balance approach. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188, 111. [PDF]

Musolff, A., Schmidt, C., Selle, B. und J.H. Fleckenstein (2015), Catchment controls on solute export. Advances in Water Resources, 86, 133-146.

Selle, B., H. Lange, G. Lischeid und M. Hauhs (2015), Transit times of water under steady stormflow conditions in the Gårdsjön G1 catchment. Hydrological Processes 29, 4657–4665.

Pavlovskiy, I. und B. Selle (2015), Integrating hydrogeochemical, hydrogeological and environmental tracer data to understand groundwater flow for a karstified aquifer. Groundwater, 53, 156–165.

Grathwohl, P., H. Rügner, T. Wöhling, K. Osenbrück, M. Schwientek, S. Gayler, U. Wollschläger, B. Selle,  M. Pause, J.O. Delfs, M. Grzeschik, U. Weller, M. Ivanov, O.A. Cirpka, U. Maier, B. Kuch, W. Nowak, V. Wulfmeyer, K. Warrach-Sagi, T. Streck, S.  Attinger, L. Bilke, P. Dietrich, J.H. Fleckenstein, T. Kalbacher, O. Kolditz, K.  Rink, L. Samaniego, H.J. Vogel, U. Werban und G. Teutsch (2013), Catchments as reactors - A comprehensive approach for water fluxes and solute turnover. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69, 317-333.

Rink, K., T. Fischer, B. Selle und O. Kolditz (2013), A data exploration framework for validation and setup of hydrological models. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69, 469-477.

Selle, B., K. Rink und O. Kolditz (2013), Recharge and discharge controls on groundwater travel times and flow paths to production wells for the Ammer catchment in southwestern Germany. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69, 443-452.

Selle, B., M. Schwientek und G. Lischeid (2013), Understanding processes governing water quality in catchments using principal component scores. Journal of Hydrology, 486, 31-38.

Githui, F., B. Selle und T. Thayalakumaran (2012), Recharge estimation using remotely sensed evapotranspiration in an irrigated catchment in southeast Australia. Hydrological Processes, 26, 1379-1389.

Selle, B., Q.J. Wang und B. Mehta (2011), Relationship between hydraulic and basic properties for irrigated soils in southeast Australia. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 174, 81-92.

Selle, B. und N. Muttil (2011), Testing the structure of a hydrological model using Genetic Programming. Journal of Hydrology, 397, 1-9.

Selle, B., T. Thayalakumaran und M. Morris (2010), Understanding salt mobilization from an irrigated catchment in south-eastern Australia. Hydrological Processes, 24, 3307-3321.

Selle, B. und M. Hannah (2010), A bootstrap approach to assess parameter uncertainty in simple catchment models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 25, 919-926.

Selle, B., B. Minasny, S. Chandra, T. Thayalakumaran und M.G. Bethune (2010), Applicability of Richards’ equation models to predict deep percolation under surface irrigation. Geoderma, 160, 569-578.

Bethune, M.G., B. Selle und Q.J. Wang (2008), Understanding and predicting deep percolation under surface irrigation. Water Resources Research, 44, W12430.

Selle, B., B. Huwe und G. Lischeid (2008), Effective modelling of percolation at the landscape scale using data-based approaches. Computers & Geosciences, 34, 699-713.

Selle, B., R. Morgen und B. Huwe (2006), Regionalising the available water capacity from readily available data. Geoderma, 132, 391-405.

Selle, B. und B. Huwe (2005), Optimising soil-hydrological predictions using effective models. Advances in Geosciences, 5, 37-41.